Our Price List
Email enquiries@travel-doc.com
Email enquiries@travel-doc.com
Our Price List
Prices shown per dose
Travel vaccinations Advice/Risk assessment | FREE | By specialist travel health doctors and nurses |
Sterile Medical Kit | FREE | In case of medical emergencies. FREE with the Hepatitis B course subject to availability |
TraveDoc Record Booklet | FREE | A hand held record to take with you in case of medical emergency |
Yellow Fever Vaccine (Cheapest in the UK) | £ 57 | Free lifelong certificate |
Duplicate Yellow Fever Certificate | £ 50 | If we had administered it previously or if the batch number and details of the vaccine given are known |
Typhoid | £ 30 | Covers for 3 years |
Hay Fever Treatment | From £ 75 | Please note that the treatment dose recommended depends on a number of factors including the severity of the pollen count, individual symptoms and body weight. Our medical team will advise on the recommended dose |
MMR vaccine | £ 75 per dose | Primary course consists of two vaccines |
Rabies | £ 60 per dose | Primary course is either 3 or 4 doses depending on the schedule.The new 4-dose schedule allows for rapid cover with just 2 visits rather than 3 which is especially helpful for last minute travellers, providing long term cover. |
Dengue Fever vaccine | £ 120 per dose | 2 doses 3 months apart |
Tick-borne Encephalitis | £ 65 per dose | Primary course consists of three vaccines over 5-6 months |
Gardasil 9 | £ 180 per dose | Vaccination against HPV, full course consists of three vaccines |
Chickenpox Vaccine | £ 80 per dose | Two doses two months apart provides lifelong protection |
Whooping Cough Vaccine (PERTUSSIS) | £ 95 | Pertussis combined with D/T/P. Certificate are an additional £50 |
Meningitis ACWY Vaccine | £ 50 | We issue a free certificate for Umrah/Hajj travel to Saudi Arabia (pilgrimage) Covers for 3-5 years |
Cholera (Oral Vaccine) | £ 75 per dose | This is a drink (oral vaccine)Very effective against travellers’ diarrhoea |
Meningitis B Vaccine (BEXSERO) | £ 120 per dose | Two doses are given two months apart if over the age of two years |
Hepatitis B | £ 45 per dose | Primary accelerated course consists of four vaccines over 12 months |
Hepatitis A&B combined vaccine (TWINRIX) | £ 110 per dose | Primary course consists of three vaccines |
Japanese Encephalitis | £ 100 per dose | Two vaccines and a booster after 1 year offers protection for 5 years |
Shingles Vaccine (Shringrix) | £ 220 per dose | Primary course consists of two vaccines |
Combined Diptheria,Tetanus & Polio | £ 30 | Covers for 10 years |
Pneumococcal Vaccine | £ 75 | Vaccine for Pneumonia |
COVID Fit to Fly/ COVID Recovery Letter | £ 150 | |
Hepatitis A | £ 50 | Booster after 6-12 months provides long-term cover |
Prescription for altitude sickness or travellers’ diarrhoea | £ 30 |
Yellow fever is a viral disease that is caught from the bite of an infected mosquito.
Japanese encephalitis is caused by a virus. It is passed to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes.
Rabies occurs throughout the world, with most deaths taking place in developing countries, such as those in south-east Asia.
The hepatitis A virus is present in faeces and can be spread from person to person, but it’s usually caught by consuming contaminated food or water.
Hepatitis B is a serious liver infectionis common in many parts of the world, especially SE Asia, where up to 10% of the local population may be carriers.
Meningococcal meningitis is more common in some areas of Africa and Asia than in the UK. A vaccine is available to protect against some strains (ACWY).