Combined Tetanus, Diptheria & Polio Vaccination
Price: Price: £32 per dose
Diphtheria is uasually spread by close contact with infected persons. In the UK, the combined Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio vaccine is recommended when diphtheria boosters are indicated for adults. A diphtheria booster lasts 10 years. Tetanus is a serious infection, usually contracted following contamination of wounds. In the UK, after 5 doses of vaccine, tetanus boosters are not routinely required unless travelling to areas with limited medical care. In the UK, the combined Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio vaccine is recommended when tetanus boosters are indicated. A tetanus booster lasts 10 years.
Given as a combined vaccine with polio, tetanus and diphtheria.
Those travelling to an area with poor access to medical attention who have not had a booster in the last 10 years. Additional
General issues: Patients who have had a serious reaction (”anaphylaxis”) to a previous dose of this vaccine or its
There is no evidence of risk.
Very few. Temporary tenderness at the site of the injection.